My Audi Q5 Sport was purchased primarily as a business vehicle, knowing full well that it would see some personal use as well. I needed a car, and I`d never really been an Audi fan, probably because I`d hardly ever driven one. Pulling out of a roundabout one day, I noticed a tidy looking white SUV heading in the opposite direction. “That looks like a nice car” I mused to myself; “I`ll bet it`s quiet, comfortable, fuel efficient and handles like a dream.” Originally my plan was to shop around for a runout 2016 model, but I couldn`t find the one I wanted. After some back and forth-ing with my vehicle broker I settled for a brand new sparkling white 2018 Audi Q5 Sport – straight off the boat (literally); I didn`t even bother asking for a test drive.
A couple of weeks later, as I drove out of the dealership, my impression was that the German manufacturer had simply nailed it. The comfortable, quiet performance. The firm leather seats, the beautiful dark interior. The easy, controls. The crystal clear sound system. Everything just made sense, and I liked the car a lot.
Two and a bit years later..
That was January 2018. Now two and a bit years later and with 35,000+ kms on the clock I am starting to feel qualified to have an informed opinion about the Audi Q5 – or at least the 2018 model which I purchased.
I still like the car a lot, but to objectively review a car, it helps to provide some context. I`m around 190cm tall, weigh around 80kg, and have always loved driving. I`m not a technology nut, but I appreciate smart technology when it serves a useful purpose, and simply works. As a customer, I like to know what I`m paying for. As a driver, I`m extremely conscious of the handling of any car I drive. My reactions to technology or attempts at innovation tend to weigh heavily in either direction, ranging from frustrated “who`s the idiot who designed this .?!” to the slightly awestruck “now that is just genius” right through to the wistful – “if only they`d included …..” I haven`t met many people who bother having an opinion about so many details on such a narrow subject as a certain model of car. The few that do share similar or contrary views are generally vehicle fanatics… which I don`t really consider myself to be. I`m more a deep thinking vehicle critic, very focused on certain details, and more generally, someone who enjoys driving.
Studying and analysing certain aspects of the Audi Q5 has lead me down burrows and up cliffs – not literally of course, but in my mind and in debates with mechanics and other car-lovers, battling between pros and cons, and attempting to define the ultimate; perfect combination. Does this combination even exist? I`m starting to think that it doesn`t. In designing vehicles, manufacturers have long since realised that no matter who you`re trying to please, there are sacrifices which will need to be made. Will it be plenty of room? Or do you prefer easy to park. Nice high visibility? Or lower ride for better cornering. Larger wheels? or cheaper tyres… The list is almost endless.
Why should I buy an Audi Q5?
You might already be asking yourself – ‘So why should I buy an Audi Q5?’ There`s no disputing the fact that there are many brands on the market which match many of Audi`s fancy features. One area where they will struggle to catch up to or overtake Audi is the permanent AWD “Quattro” system. This is well and truly incredible, and is an outstanding example of technology that works as it has been designed to do, and better than you might think possible.
When reading other people`s review and opinions, it really helps to understand where they`re coming from, because it helps you to form your own informed opinion. It doesn`t help much to complain about the leg room, without disclosing your height, nor to say that you found the sound system excellent in every way, if you only ever listen to talk-back radio; naturally, most people`s opinions will be heavily biased by their personal needs and preferences.
This website is dedicated my Audi Q5, and to every person who has an interest in this type of car. And for all those out there tossing up whether or not to buy an Audi Q5, my hope is that sharing my thoughts and experiences, will help you to make a slightly more informed decision.
Information and advice in this article is general in nature and current at the time of publication, and no warranty is offered as to its accuracy or completeness.